The Asheville Jewish Women's Circle Invites You To:
The Soul of the Seder!
A Special Pre-Passover Evening

Discuss: The significance of Passover, & the Rituals and Reasons Behind It "All"!
Create: A beautiful Passover serving platter, for your Seder table, or Seder hosts!
Taste:Passover foods sure to get you in the holiday spirit.

Experience Freedom! Experience Passover!
All are welcome and Invited ~ Bring a friend or two, you'll be happy you came!
DATE: Tuesday, March 23rd
TIME: 7:00 PM
LOCATION: The Chabad House, 660 Merrimon Ave.
COST: $10/Person, CONTRIBUTION: $36, SPONSOR:$100
A group designed for the contemporary Jewish woman, The Asheville Jewish Women’s Circle is an ever-growing group of women who come together to socialize, learn, and discover the power of the Jewish Woman in today’s world. From innovative workshops, discussions, & creative activities, to exploring current issues & relevant topics that lie at the hearts of us all, it is always a special ladies night out, rejuvenating body and soul! 
Not to be Missed! Bring a friend, enjoy a terrific night out, you'll be happy you came!    
Yes!  I'd like to RSVP for The Soul of the Seder
Personal Information:
Last Name   City/State/Zip
First Name   Phone
Address   Email
 Yes! I'd like to bring a friend!
Friend's Information:
Last Name   City/State/Zip
First Name   Phone
Address   Email

Reservations: $10/adult: ~OR ~ Yes! I would like to be a sponsor of the event!

I will pay at the door
 I will mail in a check. 
      Mail to: Chabad Asheville/ Happy Birthday 
      660 Merrimon Avenue, Suite C 
      Asheville, NC 28804-3564 
I will pay using the online form below
Name on Card   Charge Amount
CC Type   Card #
Exp. Date   CVV Code  3 digits on back of card
 Yes! I would like to volunteer for this event. Please contact me at the phone number listed above.