Page of 2 New Chabad Center tikkun olam brings light at dark time of year Asheville’s synagogues celebrate the miracle of oil with Hanukkah foods 12/21/2016 MountainXpress Asheville marks the Festival of Lights Asheville Citizen Times - December 1, 2014 Menorahs and acrobats share stage in Asheville fest Asheville Citizen Times - December 9, 2014 North American Teens Empowered After Day of Rest in NYC - February 9, 2011 Asheville Citizen-Times, 9/8/2010 AVL's Jewish community prepares for Rosh Hashana, high holy days The MountainX, August 2010 Challah 100 Comes to Asheville! Asheville Citizen Times. 12/20/09 Airport announces winners of holiday decorating contest Blue Ridge Now, 12/17/09 Menorah Wins Third Place Hundreds Celebrate Hanukkah The Asheville Citizen Times, 12/24/08 Lubavitch Headquarters International, October 11,2007 Chabad Day of Goodness & Kindnesss Proclaimed in NC City of Asheville Proclamation, September 30, 2007 Chabad Day of Goodness and Kindness The Asheville Citizen Times, 9/29/07 Chabad House Celebrates its Grand Opening The Asheville Citizen Times, 9/13/07 Contemplation, Atonement Focus of Jewish New Year On Air ~ Chanukah Interview, 12/19/06 WWNC ~ 570 AM Radio: 103.5 FM; WPVM - Asheville, 3/11/07 One-hour Interview about Chabad-Lubavitch The Asheville Citizen Times, 9/01/07 Chabad of WNC Starts the Year On a High Note The Asheville Citizen Times, 11/04/06 Orthodox but not Insular Audio Clip - Online Citizen Times, 11/04/06 Explaining the Mission. Page of 2