Chana'le flyer.JPG 

Chana’le is a singer, songwriter, recording artist and performer whose melodic and moving songs open the hearts, and touch the spirits of women and girls in communities across the globe.

Her music reflects her strong Jewish heritage and embraces her contemporary musical taste. A powerful performer, Chana’le inspires audiences with her charisma, upbeat attitude, and timeless messages, creating a unique bond with her listeners. She has been hailed as the fastest rising Jewish female singing sensation in the last decade.

Chana’le lives in Brooklyn, New York with her husband and three young children, and is passionate about motherhood, music, reading, laughing, and living an interesting and meaningful life.


CLICK HERE for "Taking Over My Heart." 

Yes! I'd like to RSVP for Chana'le in Concert!
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First Name   Phone
Address   Email
Yes! I'd like to bring a friend!
Friend's Information:
Last Name   City/State/Zip
First Name   Phone
Address   Email

Total Reservations: $18/adult:
Sponsorship: $100 (includes 2 reserved seats, 2 tickets in each raffle, & special gift)

METHOD OF PAYMENT ~ Please RSVP with Payment
I will mail in a check - Check Amount:
Mail to:
Chabad House/ JWC: Chana'le in Concert
660 Merrimon Avenue, Suite C
Asheville, NC 28804-3564

I will pay using the online form below
Name on Card   Charge Amount
CC Type   Card #
Exp. Date   CVV Code 3 digits on back of card
Yes! I would like to volunteer for this event. Please contact me at the phone number listed above.